"Former Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia pain sufferers Finally Discover The Secret To Getting Relief!"
Dear Friend
Pain is something that most of us don’t like, but pain is something most people don’t know what to do about it, especially with fibromyalgia pain.
Hi. My name is Dr. Erich Breitenmoser. I like helping people with their health problems and fibromyalgia is what I consider one of my specialties. I always tell my patients, “You don’t have to live with ANY TYPE of pain!”
Here’s the funny thing about that though. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them that. My belief is that you don’t have to take drugs or have surgery to get rid of your pain, even if you have fibromyalgia pain.
I’ve seen people come to my office in wheel chairs with strokes, congestive heart failure, bad backs, neck pain from a work injury and even pain from auto accidents, and I’ve rarely seen anyone NOT get some relief.. In fact, your visit has a satisfaction guarantee.
Now I’m not bragging, but these little miracles are what ‘trips my trigger’ and helps me do what I do, on a daily basis. I love to help people, but nothing gives me a bigger thrill than helping someone regain their health, and to do it as quickly as possible, and without any discomfort.
Here’s what one of my patients had to say about her experience with fibromyalgia.
We may be a little hard to find at first, but once you’ve found us, it’ll be worth it because you’re finally going to get some relief, and really, isn’t that what’s it all about? My phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX.
You can call us – anytime. If someone isn’t there, just leave your name and phone number and we will call you back within 24 hours. I promise. I’ve always found out that if you tell people the truth, they know it’s the truth and they respond and that’s why I’m sending you this flyer. You can get help.
Dr. Erich Breitenmoser, D.C.
P.S. Don’t wait until your fibromyalgia gets worst. Call me now. Our phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. Call us, we don’t bite and we can help you with your fibromyalgia pain if you qualify, but you have to call us now.
P.P.S. If you’re still skeptical, You can also go to: www.ccc4pain.com and get more info.
You won’t be sorry, and it’s FREE.
“Fibromyalgia Can Be Helped.”
Don’t wait. This is your chance to get relief.
Call now if you want to experience soothing relief from fibromyalgia. It’s never too late to get help.